Adept Super
At Adept Super we are very passionate about achieving a synergistic approach to our SMSF audit services. Our professional clients work with us, to achieve better compliance outcomes for their Trustees, which in turn reduces their overall SMSF business risk.
Class software is fully integrated with our Cloudoffis audit platform. Even better, each job submitted from Class to our Cloudoffis platform, receives a discounted fixed fee.
With over 20 years of industry experience, our auditors are fully qualified and experienced to support you with all your SMSF compliance matters. Our full compliance support is available to your business as soon as you engage with us and best of all it’s a complimentary service.
We understand that things go wrong and when they do, you will need support in guiding your Trustees to a compliant rectification. These rectifications should always be auditor approved before implementation, so you and your Trustees have peace of mind.
Best of all our standard service includes a 10-day turnaround and guarantee that all our audits are 100% performed in Australia by our business, for a reasonable fixed fee.