Streamline Your SMSF Administration and Accounting with Class

Unlock efficiencies in your SMSF administration, trust management, investment reporting, document management and corporate compliance with Class.

  • Class Super

    Enjoy a streamlined SMSF administration experience powered by zero-touch features and bulk processing with Class Super,

  • Class Trust

    Explore Class Trust for an industry-first cloud solution that takes the complexity out of trust accounting.

  • Class Portfolio

    Class Portfolio for real-time, accurate investment reporting and dive into NowInfinity for a comprehensive document and entity management platform.

  • NowInfinity

    Manage all your corporate compliance and document management needs on one efficient platform.

Our Solutions

Create and manage SMSFs with Australia’s pioneer in SMSF cloud solution.

Standardise and automate your trust accounting and administration.

Accurate daily investment reporting for companies, trusts and individuals.

Corporate compliance, and entity management on one solution.

Trusted by Australia’s wealth accounting professionals

Our customers share their success stories and how Class helped them along the way.

“Class Trust gives us comfort that we’ve captured all the of the information on a client’s portfolio, leading to more complete and accurate outcomes.”

Winston Lee

Assistant Manager – SMSF

“Class support is unrivalled in its professionalism and willingness to support its users. Whenever I reach out for assistance, the team always deliver and go the extra mile, no matter how tedious my my request may end up being! I never hesitate to pick up the phone when I am stuck. I only wish all tech support services were like Class.”

Karen Glover

Accountant, Argyle Professionals
accounting and administration firms rely on Class
entities administered on Class
entities administered on NowInfinity
documents ordered on NowInfinity during the last 12 months
Source: Class and NowInfinity data as at 30 September 2024

Grow your business. Request a personalised Demo.

We’re here to help. Why not request a demo, so you can see first-hand how intuitive our solutions are, and the dramatic productivity gains they can deliver?

Wealth Accounting Software Frequently Asked Questions

Class Super suitable for enterprise-level applications?

As one of Australia’s leading SMSF software providers, Class Super’s offerings are scalable to suit the needs of large super funds. Contact your Class Consultant or our dedicated support team to learn more.

Do you offer free training or onboarding help for users?

Class Super offers a number of educational resources that relate to its products. e-Learning manuals provide you with straightforward tips in using our software, while On-demand webinar recordings allow you to learn the details of using our software to manage your SMSF. We also have a dedicated support team who are more than happy to assist you with any complex inquiries or personalised support.

What software should I use for SMSF administration?

The needs of your SMSF will guide you to the right Class Super software solution for you. You can package subscriptions to multiple software solutions to provide the ideal solution for your SMSF. Contact your Class Consultant or a member of our support team to discuss the various SMSF wealth accounting software options offered by Class Super.